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Confessions of A Yoga Teacher: I Don't Like Yoga

Shocking right? Well, let me rephrase that, I don't like yoga at the moment. Like any long term relationship, we go through periods where we are deeply in love, in sync, and in perfect harmony. But then, something happens and we get out of sync, we fall a little out of love and we're not jiving. It feels as if a little space is needed, a time-out and maybe the relationship re-evaluated to figure out how it can work better. So what do you do if you're a yoga instructor and you agree with my last post? In all honesty, I am going through one of those phases now. It's the summer and I want to be outside. My husband (who I'll now on refer to as A) has recently started running and I absolutely cherish the time A and I spend together. My oldest daughter has started running too (proud mom moment!) And lastly, I have been dealing with a chronic shoulder injury making my beloved arm balances and inversions not the smartest thing for me to be doing. So what do I do? I give this amazing practice TRUST. I trust in the process. I trust that if I power through, I will fall back in love. So I limit my practice to 20-30 minutes and I focus on the poses I love that make my body feel limber and strong. I let go of my ego's need to practice all the outwardly cool poses and truly listen to what my body and mind need presently. I embrace the running and the tightness that follows, trusting that for now this is what my yoga is about.

Photo of me running down Boylston St. to finish the 2016 Boston Marathon.

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Photo Credit: Corinne DiPietro

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